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Coursera/Mathematics for ML and Data Science

Calculus for Machine Learning and Data Science (6)

by Fresh Red 2024. 8. 27.

Gradients and Gradient Descent


Introduction to Tangent planes


Just like we had a tangent line in a 1-dimensional line by computing derivatives, we have a tangent plane, which is a slope or a derivative of the functions with multiple variables.

To find the tangent plane we use gradient descent to speed up the optimization.

A tangent is a straight line or plane that touches a curve or curved surface at a point, but if extended does not cross it at that point.

To get the tangent plane, we cut the planes/space to find the corresponding tangent lines to get the tangent plane that contains all tangent lines.

To cut the planes/space, we use partial derivatives.

Partial derivatives - Part 1


A partial derivative is a way to find a derivative of one variable and treat all other variables as a constant.

Partial derivatives - Part 2

What is it?



Correct! Keeping y constant and performing the calculation you got the result!

What is it?



Correct. Keeping the x constant and differentiating with respect to y gives you the result!


A gradient is simply a collection of partial derivatives in a vector.

Let $f(x,y) = x^2+y^2$, calculate the gradient $f, \nabla f$, at (2, 3)



Gradients and maxima/minima

To get the maximum/minimum point, we solve for the slope to be 0.

Optimization with gradients: An example

Sauna example to find the coldest spot

Quiz 1: Using the expanded form of the function $f(x, y) = 85 - {1\over 90}x^2(x-6)y^2(y-6)$ written as $= 85-{1\over 90}x^3y^3 + {1\over 15}x^3y^2+{1\over 15}x^2y^3 - {2\over 5}x^2y^2$, find ${\partial f\over \partial x}$


$-{1\over 30}x^2y^3 + {1\over 5}x^2y^2+{2\over 15}xy^3 - {4\over 5}xy^2$

Correct! This is the same expression as the lecturer is going to show, but it will be shown in a factored form, so it is easier to find the zeros!

Quiz 2: Using the expanded form of the function $f(x, y) = 85 - {1\over 90}x^2(x-6)y^2(y-6)$ written as $= 85-{1\over 90}x^3y^3 + {1\over 15}x^3y^2+{1\over 15}x^2y^3 - {2\over 5}x^2y^2$, find ${\partial f\over \partial y}$


$-{1\over 30}x^3y^2 + {2\over 15}x^3y+{1\over 5}x^2y^2 - {4\over 5}x^2y$

Correct! This is the same expression as the lecturer is going to show, but it will be shown in a factored form, so it is easier to find the zeros!


We can solve for x and y and then apply them to see the minimum point.

Optimization using gradients - Analytical method


To minimize the sum of squares cost, we need to solve for the derivatives.

Compute ${\partial E\over \partial m}$


$28m + 12b - 42$

Compute ${\partial E\over \partial b}$



Finding m and b

We use gradient descent to solve for partial derivatives quickly.


All the information provided is based on the Calculus for Machine Learning and Data Science |  Coursera from DeepLearning.AI


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