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Probability & Statistics for Machine Learning & Data Science (13) ▤ 목차Describing probability distributions and probability distributions with multiple variablesDescribing DistributionsQuantiles and Box-PlotsWe need to look at the data not only numerically but also visually.Visualizing data: Box-PlotsWe can visualize the data using the quantiles and we need minimum, maximum, 25%, 50%, and 75% quartiles, and the interquartile range (IQR) which is the third quart.. 2024. 9. 26.
Probability & Statistics for Machine Learning & Data Science (12) ▤ 목차Describing probability distributions and probability distributions with multiple variablesDescribing DistributionsSkewness and Kurtosis: Moments of a DistributionWhen we multiply the random variable X with the power of an integer n, we call it the nth moment.Skewness and Kurtosis - SkewnessWithout calculating, intuitively compare the expected value and the variance of two games. Which of the.. 2024. 9. 24.
Probability & Statistics for Machine Learning & Data Science (11) ▤ 목차Describing probability distributions and probability distributions with multiple variablesDescribing DistributionsVarianceExpected values alone don’t tell us the whole story about the distributions as one can be wider or narrower than the other.We know the spread of data through variance.Q1: What is the maximum amount of money you should be willing to pay to play this game? Remember, you are.. 2024. 9. 23.
Probability & Statistics for Machine Learning & Data Science (10) ▤ 목차Describing probability distributions and probability distributions with multiple variablesThis week you will learn about different measures to describe probability distributions and any dataset. These include measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode), variance, skewness, and kurtosis. The concept of the expected value of a random variable is introduced to help you understand each.. 2024. 9. 19.
Probability & Statistics for Machine Learning & Data Science (9) ▤ 목차Introduction to Probability and Probability DistributionsCheck your knowledgeQ1When throwing a dice twice, what is the probability of getting exactly two 5's? (What is Probability?, What is Probability? - Dice example)Answer더보기1/36 = 1/6 * 1/6Q2When throwing five dice and summing the result, what is the probability of obtaining a value greater than 5? (Complement of Probability)Answer더보기$({5.. 2024. 9. 16.
Probability & Statistics for Machine Learning & Data Science (8) ▤ 목차Introduction to Probability and Probability DistributionsProbability DistributionsUniform DistributionUniform distribution has all possible values in an interval with the same frequency of occurrence.All intervals have the same probability.It has two parameters:a: beginning of an intervalb: end of the intervalNormal DistributionNormal distribution (aka Gaussian distribution) is a distributio.. 2024. 9. 15.

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